Faq Sections

Yes, we accept changes of product, either for size or simply another product! The world of shoes is very complicated... Contact us at our customer service Whatsapp: 681948742 explaining your situation and mentioning your order code. Yes, changes of product are free, we do not charge shipping :) If you want to change a product for a more expensive one, you will have to pay the difference via a bank transference or bizum to a number we will provide you with or viceversa. 

Yes, we accept returns of all items, including those that are discounted, as long as the return is announced in a period of less than 15 days and the item is in perfect condition. You must write us to our customer service Whatsapp 681948742, explain us your case and your order number. We will ask a delivery person to come and pick up the order at the same address where it was delivered and when we receive the order in the store we will make a full refund subtracting 5€ of shipping. If you want to do it on your own also notify us by Whatsapp and the refund will be full. Open source means that PrestaShop’s code is made public for the community and public to edit. We encourage contributions so we can continue building software based on real life merchant experiences.